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Because of the fact that the earth’s ozone layer is depleting at a rapid pace, the sun is now able to cause even more damage to our skin than ever before. Although wearing sun screen with a high protection factor is ideal for those who spend a lot of time outdoors, it is not always a feasible option for those who are indoors for most of the day. This is where residential window tinting can be a huge help, because it not only protects furniture, it can protect the skin too.

A Great Help in Bedrooms and Living Areas

Much research has been done with regards to the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure on our skin. Not only does it cause sunburn which can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, it can also cause skin cancer in more severe cases. By having residential window film installed on bedroom and living room windows, you will be able to minimize the risk of harmful sun exposure on your family’s skin while they are indoors. It will also ensure that they are more comfortable while they are indoors because of the fact that residential window film also prevents a lot of the sun’s heat from entering your home during the day.

An Essential Item in Certain Bathrooms and Kitchens

For bathrooms and kitchens that face East or West, it is essential to have residential window tinting installed because of the fact that they will receive direct sunlight either during the morning or the afternoon. It will reduce the temperature of these rooms dramatically while also ensuring that your family’s skin remains protected from the sun while preparing meals or spending time in the bathroom. Residential window film will also be of great help when it comes to protecting curtains, blinds and even paint work in these rooms as direct sunlight is known to cause substantial damage to them over a period of time. While paint simply fades from sun exposure, blinds and curtains can rot and tear because of it.

A Great Addition for Sun Rooms and Conservatories

Although most of us enjoy basking in the sun’s warmth during the cold winter months, it can become unbearably hot in conservatories and sun rooms during summer because of the direct sun that is usually experienced in these rooms. By using residential window tinting in these rooms, you will still be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun, but without risking exposure to its harmful rays. Because residential window film will also help to reduce glare in these rooms, it will also be possible to enjoy your favourite book or even watch TV in them after having tinting installed.

Although it may seem expensive at first to have window tinting installed in your home, your family and furniture will definitely thank you in the long run. Not only will you save money on furniture and carpeting purchases, but you will also feel a lot better knowing that you are doing everything in your power to protect your family’s skin from harmful sun exposure.

What is Decorative Window Film?
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