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The United States Department of Energy estimates that heating and cooling are responsible for about one-third of your home’s annual energy consumption and costs. Because of this, it’s important to consider strategies that will help you reduce your consumption. Window tint is a great choice, and while most people think it’s only viable in the summer, there are some very good reasons to consider it in the winter, too.

Doesn’t Window Tint Reflect Heat?

You’ve likely learned that window tint is a very good option in the summer because it reflects the sunlight that hits your windows and helps to reduce the heat that accumulates in your home. This is true, and that’s why so many people install the tint in their homes, cars, and even businesses. In the winter, you probably want that heat to enter your home instead of reflect off its outer surfaces. However, some studies have shown that window tint is just as important in the winter as the summer – and in some cases, maybe even more so. Window film can help your home retain heat during the winter months.

How Tint Retains Heat

Don’t think of today’s sophisticated window tint as a mirror that simply reflects heat and UV rays. Instead, try thinking of it like a form of insulation – and that’s exactly what it is. In the summer, it can improve energy consumption by keeping heat outside and cooled air in. In the winter, it improves energy consumption by preventing your heated air from escaping through your cold windows. Light carries heat, and when this light escapes through your windows, you’ll lose some of your heating efficiency. Blocking that transfer of heat with window tint will save you money.

Expected Savings

You shouldn’t expect to see your energy bills cut in half after you install window tint. In fact, you’ll likely save about 5% each month thanks to the tint’s insulating properties. This may not seem like much, but over the course of a year, it can truly add up. For instance, if your utility bill is typically $300 in the winter months, window tint may reduce that by 5%, or $15. That’s a savings of $180 in the first year alone at the bare minimum. In many cases, window tint can cut utility costs by about 10%, or sometimes even more depending on the direction of your windows and the type of windows you have.

Reap the Benefits

Of course, window tint does much more than just help you retain more heat during the winter. People often believe that the sun stops emitting dangerous UV rays during these months, but that just isn’t the case. Even on cold or overcast days, there are still UV rays pouring through your windows. Over time, these can fade your furniture, and they can even cause cancer. Today’s high-tech window tint can block these rays, preserving both your furnishings and your health.

As you can see, window tint is just as important in the winter as it is any other time of year. It acts as an insulator to help keep you comfortable while you save money on your heating bills. What’s more, it protects your home furnishings from fading due to exposure to UV light, and it may even help prevent cancer caused by exposure to those rays.

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